Beacon aids and empowers
those experiencing need.
Beacon works to provide access to
housing and supportive services.
There are many ways to help
beacon make a positive impact.
About Beacon
Beacon is a vital, leading, compassionate 501(c)(3) organization which AIDS and EMPOWERS those experiencing need with a full range of support services to reduce hunger, poverty, and homelessness in communities we serve.
Shalom Center
Shalom Center, Beacon’s day shelter, is an all-inclusive resource center in Bloomington, IN for people who are living in poverty and experiencing its ultimate expressions: hunger, homelessness, and a lack of access to basic life necessities.
How to Help
Please join us in the battle against hunger, homelessness, and poverty. There are many ways YOU can make an impact by supporting the work of the Beacon. Share your time as a volunteer, or financial donations are greatly appreciated.
Beacon has acquired the old Weddle Brothers Construction property located on West Third Street, south of Rose Hill Cemetery, and plans to build a 45,000 square foot, two story housing and service center. This facility will bring together Beacon’s programs of shelter, resource center, and housing, with a special emphasis on community partnerships and improving the quality of care available to people experiencing extreme poverty in our community.
The Center will include:
- Twenty five new permanent homes – twenty apartments for people experiencing long-term homelessness due to disabilities and five work exchange apartments for people to work at Beacon Center in exchange for housing.
- An expanded overnight shelter with fifty beds for women, men, and gender nonbinary people, including beds for couples and room for pets. The shelter will break out of the mold of bunk-beds and dormitories, providing semi-private rooms for every guest of the shelter.
- A vastly improved day center with services from Beacon and co-located partners, including HealthNet, Centerstone, and BPD’s Downtown Resource Officers. The day center will also feature a family room, a multi-faith chapel, a day sleep room, a training kitchen, an employment center, and more. The day center can even be converted into an emergency winter shelter as needed.
Consider a gift of socks, hats, gloves, or winter coats to keep our guests warm this winter. Thank you for caring about our neighbors!